Most people wait till they have some nagging pain in their teeth or gums before they can consider visiting their dentist. Others go for over a year or two without setting foot in the dentist’s office. Studies have shown that many people do not prioritize their dental health. Moreover, it is believed that a dentist’s place is a scary place, hence many people dread a visit here. This is far from the truth. Your dentist should be one of the most trusted persons in your life. Many reasons should make you consider visiting them, even though you are not feeling any tooth or gum pains. Here is a list of 12 reasons why you should visit your dentist regularly, even without toothache or any pain.
Spot dental defects before they worsen.
Regular dental visits, mean that you are exposed to regular dental check-ups, whether for diagnosis or just to check on your dental health. Many people who do not consider the seriousness of regular check-ups usually end up with major tooth defects. This causes them more trouble, costs them more on treatment and places them at higher risk. Through regular check-ups, the dentist can conduct examinations, checking for cavities, dental caries and other dental defects. Additionally, identifying the problems earlier makes them easier to treat and manage. Don’t follow ignorant ideas blindly, and fall into dental defects that could have been avoided, had they been identified early. Be smart, and make smart decisions. Visit our dentist at Nairobi Sterling dental clinic, today for check-ups.
Keep your body healthy.
There is a close relationship between dental health and general body health. Having poor dental health can be a sign of poor body health too. This is because poor dental hygiene, which results in dental defects, can lead to other health diseases and conditions. These include heart disease, diabetes and endocarditis. Dental defects can also cause adverse health conditions. An example of this is gum disease, which can lead to premature births and low birth weight. Moreover, tooth canal infections can lead to an abscess on teeth, which can cause blood infections and nerve damage. Visiting your doctor regularly places you at an advantage. You get a chance to avoid dental conditions and potentially life-threatening conditions. Just by visiting the dentist!

Remove tartar.
The root cause of many dental defects is plaque. It is responsible for the development of cavities which if unchecked, grow into tooth decay. It also causes bad breath and infections of the gum. Moreover, plaque forms tartar, the dark brown or pale yellow coating that forms on teeth. Tartar causes discolouration of teeth and affects the beauty of your smiles. It takes away the joy and pleasure in smiles. Plaque can turn into tartar in as little as 2 days! Eradication of the tartar material is hence important. At Nairobi Sterling dental clinic, our dental experts are well-trained and vastly equipped in tartar removal and teeth cleaning. Having regular dental visits helps you avoid plaque and facilitate early detection and the consequent removal of tartar. This saves not only your teeth but your smiles as well.
Creates good rapport with your dentists.
Good relations and communications between the patients and the dental officers are key to establishing an effective treatment. It doesn’t matter whether you have an appointment or have never visited the dentist before, establishing a nice rapport is essential. There is no better way to develop this rapport than by visiting the dentist regularly. This creates familiarity, easiness of tension, and creates more understanding. In addition to this, at Nairobi Sterling Dental clinic, we ensure that a patient sees a common specialist for their defects or conditions. They will hence know your history, what you like and what you need. Show some love to your dentist, and increase the number of visits. They love seeing their favourite patients in good health and all smiles.
Regular dental X-rays.
Do you have impacted wisdom teeth? Do you need a root canal? X-rays can show the answer. Regular X-rays also help your dentist determine if teeth have shifted due to an uneven bite or jaw problems. Surprisingly, not all dental problems involve a toothache and can go undetected until the point that the treatment becomes invasive and expensive. Dental X-Rays help our team spot an undetected issue before it becomes a problem. Moreover, we have the latest technology in dental X-rays machines. They are faster, safer and more comfortable.
To learn about dental hygiene
Most people are not well informed on proper dental hygiene practices. They live on the bare minimum; without the knowledge of the potential problem, they may be inviting. A large proportion brushes their teeth once or fewer times a day, and rarely floss. This might sound trivial but the reality is that it can lead to more serious issues. Visiting your dentist can expose you to a multitude of proper dental health practices and knowledge on how to maintain proper dental hygiene. Our experts at Sterling dental clinic are well-trained and learned. They possess tons of knowledge on good dental hygiene and how to avoid dental conditions. What better way to learn about something than from the best in the particular subject? Visit our clinic today and learn from our experts.
Treat bad breath.
Many people suffer from bad breath, either due to poor hygiene or dental conditions. One may experience cases of bad morning breath. Some people suffer from a condition called halitosis, a condition that results from poor dental hygiene over a long time. Such conditions will demand dental care and our dentists at Sterling dental clinic are well-versed in its treatment. Visit our clinic today and have your bad breath checked.
Check and treatment of periodontal diseases.
Periodontal diseases are diseases that affect dental tissues. The most common one of these is gum disease. Just like tartar, gum diseases are a result of plaque build-up and contamination in the mouth. It results from a lack of brushing and flossing of teeth and causes gum swelling, sensitivity and pain. Keep in mind that gum disease is slow to progress and often painless. Therefore, if you do not visit the dentist, you may not realize you have an advanced stage until it is too late. Gum disease can cause gum and bone structure deterioration and eventually tooth loss. Why wait for such effects, when you can avoid them by having regular dental visits?
Set a good example for your kids.
Dental health is not only important for adults, but also for children. They need to see a dentist as early as possible in life. This helps them detect and avoid dental conditions, which could persist in their adulthood if they are not well treated. Children might have a hard time grasping the importance of check-ups, and it might also be hard for you to convince them to take their dental health seriously. What better way to get them involved, than by setting a good example for them? This can be by involving them in your dental health practices, such as brushing and flossing with them, as well as seeing the dentists regularly with them in tow. This helps cultivate a habit of regular check-ups and learning of good practices from their parents and close adults.

Help for sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is a condition where someone stops breathing repeatedly at small intervals during the night. It can lead to much more than drowsiness ad discomfort. Sleep apnea increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. Those with sleep apnea may benefit from a customized mouth guard that opens the airway, eliminating snoring. At Sterling dental clinic, our specialists have the tools and the experience to help find a solution for you. Don’t self-diagnose or brush off the possibility of sleep apnea or other issues, instead, see an expert.
Improve your smile.
Your smile speaks a lot about yourself. We use smiles to express emotions, happiness and joy. Smiles are an expression of love and happiness. We find pleasure in shining our smiles at those around us and take pride in just how beautiful these smiles are. However, there may be certain conditions that can make us detest our smiles. These can include missing teeth, cracked, damaged or injured teeth, misalignment of teeth, and irregular bites among other reasons. These should not make you feel less beautiful. Your smile is correctable and improvable. Visit us at the Nairobi Sterling dental clinic, and watch us transform your smile.
To use your insurance benefits
Every year, we pay thousands of shillings to insurance firms to help cater for our medical needs. However, every year, millions of shillings of dental insurance go unused. Insurance covers help take the burden of medical bills off your shoulders. At the sterling dental clinic, we work in close partnership with several medical insurance firms. These are: Liaison Group, Salam, GA Insurance Kenya, Sedgwick and Madison Group. Visiting dentists regularly gives you a chance to exercise your right to use your medical cover. It also ensures that your money doesn’t go to waste. If you have the benefits of a cover, we recommend that you use it wisely, and regularly. The same also goes for other health treatments, not just dental care treatments.
You don’t need to have pain or major defects to visit your dentist. Most times, the notion of precaution is better than cure pays off. Many advantages come from visiting your dentist regularly, for check-ups and diagnoses. Take precautions against dental conditions today, by visiting our clinic for regular checking. Our clinic is located at the Park Suite Building, in Parklands, Nairobi. We have a dedicated team of experts who offer quality dental services. Don’t wait till the problem gets out of hand, you can walk into our clinic and let us solve it for you.