Smiles are some of the most magical expressions we have. A tiny smile can change a lot. Having a perfect smile is everyone’s desire, and we do everything we can to get that perfect smile. Nothing complements a nice smile better than a set of white and clean teeth behind the lips. The colour of our teeth adds a sparkle to the smile, especially if they’re as white as snow. Naturally, most of us have stained teeth and we seek treatments and products to change this. Teeth whitening is one of the most sought-after procedures, not only at Nairobi Sterling dental clinic but all across the world. Seeing just how popular this treatment is, it is only fitting that you know all about it. Here are 5 facts that you should know about teeth whitening.
Teeth are porous, just like the skin
When we think about the nature of teeth, we can picture them as concrete and impervious structures. Surprisingly, our teeth are porous. They contain thousands of microscopic pores, just like the skin or a sponge. These pores let material in and out of the teeth. They absorb material from what we put in our mouths. From coffee, wines, berries, smoke etc, the pores absorb these products, hence the staining on teeth by these materials. This makes the natural colour of teeth turn darker. The more we indulge in such products, the more the stains get absorbed, and the darker the teeth get. Tooth whitening works by creating a chemical reaction that opens pores, breaks the stains and lifts them through the same pores. Amazingly, the pores are as important in eradicating the stains, as they are responsible for letting the stains in the teeth.
Teeth whitening does not damage teeth.
There is a misguided misconception that all teeth whitening procedures are harmful and damage teeth. This is not completely true. Teeth whitening is safe when conducted in the right procedure and using the right products. It should therefore be done by qualified and certified dental officers, just like the ones we have at Nairobi sterling dental clinic. These medical specialists will conduct the procedure as per the required guidelines, and avert any problems. Professional teeth whitening uses products that rehydrate the teeth and enhance their strength. However, most problems arise when one seeks a quack to conduct the whitening, or when patients decide to self-diagnose and not follow the provided rules. Other patients opt to buy over-the-counter whitening products and end up misusing them. Just like any other treatment, flowing the required rules is important in ensuring its safety and effectiveness.

Sensitivity after whitening is normal.
Many patients have expressed concern over tooth sensitivity after undergoing a teeth whitening procedure. Many think that it’s a bad sign, but on the contrary, it is very normal. Studies show that over 60% of the population has sensitive teeth. This can be as a result of genetics, thin enamel or damaged teeth. It is therefore highly possible and normal for one to experience sensitivity after whitening. In addition to these factors, sensitivity can also result from dehydration of the tooth during the procedure. This minimises teeth’s ability to insulate the dental nerves from alteration in temperature. The sensitivity can last for between 12-36 hours. To combat this, our dentist prescribes a post-whitening fluoride treatment. This helps rehydrate and nourish the teeth.
Teeth whitening is a gradual process.
When we hear about teeth whitening, we assume it is a walk-in procedure. We envision spending a few hours at the dentist’s office and voila, we come out with teeth that is as white as the snow. If this was your idea, well, don’t I have news for you. The truth of the matter is that teeth whitening is a gradual process. The process of breaking the stains and lifting them takes some time. Even the most effective and sophisticated procedures cannot remove all the stains in a single procedure. Some procedures such as laser whitening are more effective and eradicate the stains faster than other products. They however still need some time. Laser whitening can take between 4 days to a few months. The time it takes to achieve a full whitening depends on the nature of the stain and the concentration. It also depends on the method being used for whitening.
Teeth whitening is temporary.
As mentioned above, teeth are porous and let in the material through these pores. These materials influence the colour of and the stains on our teeth. After whitening, the teeth re-attain their original colour and are free from stains. If you thought that the whitening works like an ever-white magic charm for your teeth, then you are misinformed. After whitening, you need to take better care of your teeth, to avoid staining. You should watch what you eat and drink and pay keen attention to proper teeth hygiene. There is no whitening treatment procedure in the world that gives a permanent whitening solution.
More amazing extra facts.
In addition to these, here are some other amazing facts about teeth whitening. Teeth whitening can not make all teeth snow-white. The colour of teeth is decided by the first set of teeth we have. Whitening can only eliminate the overlying stains, and restore them to their normal colour. This means not all teeth will be pure white. Additionally, veneers and crowns cannot be whitened. Despite them taking the properties of normal teeth, they cannot be whitened. However, they are made from porcelain, which is a stain-resistant material. It prevents staining and eliminates the need for whitening. Furthermore, to get the best whitening experience in Kenya, Nairobi Sterling Dental clinic is your best choice. Visit our clinic at the Park Suite Building in Parklands, Nairobi to learn more about teeth whitening and get yourself a whitening treatment at an affordable cost.