Category: 2024

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Emergency Dental Pain Management Cost

Dental pain can be one of the most excruciating and disruptive experiences. It often strikes unexpectedly, leaving you in discomfort and distress. Whether it’s a sharp toothache, a broken tooth, or swelling of the gums, dental emergencies require prompt attention. Understanding how to manage dental pain until you can see a dentist is crucial for...


Professional Teeth Whitening Cost

A bright, white smile is often associated with good health, youth, and confidence. Over time, however, teeth can become discoloured due to various factors such as diet, smoking, and the natural ageing process. Teeth whitening, especially professional teeth whitening, has become a popular cosmetic dental procedure to combat these changes.  At Nairobi Sterling Dental Clinic,...


Cost of Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction, a common dental procedure, is often the last resort when a tooth is beyond saving due to severe decay, damage, or other complications. While the thought of having a tooth removed can be daunting, understanding the process and what to expect can alleviate much of the anxiety associated with it. Professional tooth extractions...


Dental Fillings Cost

Dental fillings are a common and essential procedure in modern dentistry, designed to restore the function and integrity of damaged teeth. Whether caused by cavities, fractures, or wear, dental fillings play a crucial role in maintaining oral health and preventing further decay. Nairobi Sterling Dental Clinic s has made it possible for patients to access...


Paediatric Dental Care and Costs

Dental health is a vital aspect of overall health, and it is crucial to instil good oral hygiene habits in children from a young age. Paediatric dental care focuses on the unique needs of children, ensuring their teeth and gums develop properly and remain healthy. At Nairobi Sterling Dental Clinic, we ensure that we cater...


The Importance of Teeth Cleaning and Costs

Nothing works better to elevate a good mood or feeling than a smile. Smiling is known to communicate friendliness and also to ease tension, especially in social or official engagements. We all want to have that bright and lovely smile that turns heads and makes others feel good around us. However, some of us can’t...

The Importance of Teeth Cleaning and Costs

The Importance of Teeth Cleaning and Costs

Nothing works better to elevate a good mood or feeling than a smile. Smiling is known to communicate friendliness and also to ease tension, especially in social or official engagements. We all want to have that bright and lovely smile that turns heads and makes others feel good around us. However, some of us can’t...


Orthodontic Treatment Cost

Orthodontic treatment is not just about achieving a beautiful smile; it also plays a crucial role in improving oral health and overall well-being. Whether you’re dealing with crooked teeth, bite issues, or jaw misalignment, orthodontics offers a range of solutions to correct these problems. Do you want to know more about orthodontic treatments and their...

Dental X-rays cost

Dental X-rays cost

Dental X-rays are an essential diagnostic tool in modern dentistry, providing detailed images of the teeth, bones, and surrounding soft tissues. These images help dentists diagnose and treat various dental conditions that may not be visible during a standard dental examination. Nairobi Sterling Dental Clinic offers dental X-ray services to all our patients, at affordable...

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment Cost

Root canal treatment, often referred to as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure designed to treat infection at the centre of a tooth. This common procedure can save a tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted. Despite its reputation for being painful, modern techniques and anaesthesia have made root canals relatively comfortable and highly...